  • Smarter Than Squirrels (Down Girl and Sit)
    Smarter Than Squirrels (Down Girl and Sit)
    by Lucy Nolan

    This is one of my favorite books about cool, brave dogs!

  • Bad to the Bone (Down Girl and Sit)
    Bad to the Bone (Down Girl and Sit)
    by Lucy Nolan

    I haven't read this book yet, but I can't wait to read more about these awesome and cool dogs!

  • On the Road (Down Girl and Sit)
    On the Road (Down Girl and Sit)
    by Lucy Nolan

    This sounds like a good book, too.  Car rides usually end in fun places like the Wiener Dog Races or the dog park!

  • The Art of Racing in the Rain
    The Art of Racing in the Rain
    by Garth Stein

    I haven't read this yet, but it was recommended by one of my people's friends.  She said it was great!

  • Nature's Variety Dry Dog Food, Prairie Canine Chicken Meal & Brown Rice, 30-Pound Bag
    Nature's Variety Dry Dog Food, Prairie Canine Chicken Meal & Brown Rice, 30-Pound Bag

    This is my favorite food!  I'm not sure if I love eating, walking, or playing more!


    My people call this the "Star Trek Door".  I love it because I can open it but the squirrels can't!

  • Easy Walk Harness, Small, Royal
    Easy Walk Harness, Small, Royal

    My old harness made me want to pull as hard as I could.  This one is much more relaxing!

Entries by CTP (41)


Puppy New Year!

Happy 2013 everybody!  I've been doing a lot of thinking about 2012 and what, if anything, I want to change for 2013.

In deep thought

I'm very grateful that I've recovered so well from my IVDD surgery.  That was scary, but it taught me that some scary things can be overcome even if there's a lot of hardship.  I'm very grateful for my home and my family.

However, I have been having trouble with one new family member.  I have alluded to her in the past, but since she is the focus of my 2013 goal, I will finally write about her.  A tiny human moved into my house quite a while ago.  

First, I was very protective of her.  She was so helpless (and noisy).

Checking on the little one

However, as time has passed, this tiny human has gotten bigger and moves around without help.  She seems to like me... a lot... a little too much.  I want to sleep under my blanket, but she pulls the covers off of me and pats me on the head... a little too hard sometimes.  One minute, I want to love and protect her, but the next minute she's bothering me or chasing me!

So, for 2013, I will try to be nice to this little, important pack member as much as I can.  I think I expressed my feelings best in this card that I gave to her for Christmas.

Christmas card to littlest pack memberInside, I wrote:

What a year!

Some days, I didn't know what to think.

Other days, I just needed a drink.

It helps when I have my morning jog,

To deal with the fact that I'm no longer top dog.

Most days, I love that little girl.

I'll try to treat her like a precious pearl.

I do have to say that there are some new fringe benefits.  This little person has been eating real food, and unlike the big people, she throws some food to the floor for me.  (I had some roasted pork on Christmas thanks to this sweetie!)

AnticipationHave a Puppy New Year everyone!


Kennel Rest - BORING!

I have heard that some of my fans are worried about me.  I want to assure y'all that I'm doing great now!  This post is about my recovery from IVDD, but this part happened back in April and May 2012.  I've recovered very well since then.

After my surgery, I needed 6 weeks of strict kenel rest.  This meant that I had to be in my kennel all of the time except for going to the bathroom.  I have to say that this was quite boring.  At first, I was pretty sad about it.

BoredHowever, I eventually figured out how to have a little fun.

Hide and SeekAs the first 6 weeks progressed, I was able to stand on my own for short periods of time outside during pee-time.  I got to the point where I could even take a step or two!  That was a big relief since I couldn't walk at all after the surgery.  

I had to wear my stupid harness even in the backyard, though.  Despite the fact that I could barely stand, my instincts to protect the yard are very strong.  I would try to chase intruders who walked near our fence and hurt myself without the leash.

My times outside were very enjoyable as the 6 weeks went on.  I took full advantage of my time outside, and made sure to spend time doing one of my favorite activities.

Sunning myselfMy next post will describe my rehab over the next few months.  It was a great experience that helped me get to the great health that I'm in today!


Home at Last

Shortly after leaving the hospital, I arrived home.  Like I said in my previous post, I could not move my back legs at all.  However, I could wag my tail.  At least I was able to show my people that I was happy.

I found out that 6 weeks of strict kennel rest meant that I had to be in my kennel all of the time except when I was going to the bathroom and doing my physical therapy.  It was good that I liked being in my kennel already.  I slept in my kennel every night since I met my people, and I also have gone there when I wanted some quite time during the day.

My people changed my kennel a little bit so that they could put me in and take me out through the top.  They learned how do to this at a great IVDD website called Dodger's List.

Looking up through my new convertible

As you can see, I had some strange strings on my back.  I tried to pull them out, but I couldn't reach them.

 At first, I thought I'd be very lonely.  Normally, if I'm in my crate and the door is closed, I can't always get to my people.  I'm very sad when I know they're in the house but I can't get to the same room.  However, I was surprised to find that my crate now had wheels, and my people took me from room to room with them!  I was able to rest peacefully knowing that they were nearby.

Resting peacefully

My people also got the idea for putting my crate on wheels from that great Dodger's List site!  However, instead of using crate casters, they used something called a "car creeper" that is used to work under cars.

My people didn't take any pictures of how they helped me go to the bathroom.  It was awkward and embarassing.  However, just in case anyone reading my blog needs to help their pup go to the bathroom after surgery, I want to include a link with instructions.  It wasn't easy for them or me, but it was important to do several times a day.

Also, my people did some physical therapy for me after every bathroom break.  They moved every joint in my back legs as far as they could 10 times.  They started with my hip, then the knee, then the ankle, then the toes.  It was annoying, but in the end, it seems to have helped my overall recovery.

This video my people found online was very helpful.  Also, Dodger's List has a lot of good information.

It took a while before I could walk.  In my next blog post, I'll talk about how my recovery progressed over the first 6 weeks.


IVDD Surgery

Almost three months ago, I went to the vet to have IVDD surgery.  I'm finally ready to talk about what happened.  There's too much to tell you all in one post, though.  Today, I'll just tell you about my experience from surgery day until getting picked up to go home.

My people took me to a new vet.  The sign said Central Texas Veterinary Specialty Hospital.  I was kind of scared to go to this new vet, but I was also excited because I had so much pain and my back legs weren't working right.

There were a lot of dogs in the waiting room.  Some looked like they were in bad pain.  They were in the right place to get better, though.

After a short wait, I met a new doctor who was very nice.  He had me walk for him and then he said, "It looks like IVDD. We'll run an MRI to be sure."

Dr. BevanHe took me to another room and some people started doing things to me.  The next thing I knew, I woke up in a kennel at the hospital.  The pain was gone!  However, I couldn't move my back legs at all.  I was also very, very tired.  Also, I had some strange string in my back, and I was missing some fur.

It was very strange being at the hospital, but the people made me feel safe and secure.  They talked to me nicely, and they gave me a cool scarf that had a bunny on it.  It said, "Bugs Bunny" on it.  They must have heard that I like to bug bunnies by barking at them!  It's my specialty, and they knew it.

They did some strange things, though.  One thing they did was help me pee by squeezing my stomach area.  I couldn't pee on my own for some reason, so I was glad they helped me.  The really strange thing they did was pinch my back paw until I yelped in pain!  When I yelped, they said that was a very good thing.  They said that I passed the deep pain test.  I thought it was a stupid test. :-(

After a couple days, my people came to get me!  I was so excited that I almost jumped off the table!

Greeting my people!Before I could go home, the vet gave my people some pills for me.  They also showed them how to press my tummy to make me pee.  They had trouble, but they figured it out.  They also said that I needed 6 weeks of strict kennel rest.

I was so happy to get out of there!

They put me in my kennel in the car.  This was also different since I usually have my own special seat.  I didn't really mind riding in my kennel, though.

As we drove home, I wondered what would happen?  How could I guard the house without my back legs working?  What was "strict kennel rest"? Would I ever be able to walk again? Why was my mind so foggy? (It almost felt like that time I ate the wrong kind of mushroom.)

Going home! What next?I knew that the answer to all those questions would come in time.  What I knew now was that I was going home, and I was going to be with my people.  No matter what else was going to happen, that made me so very happy!



I Can Relate to Snoopy Today

I haven't been able to keep up with my writing lately; however, I look forward to sharing updates about my IVDD surgery soon.  For those who are worried, I want you to know that things are going well.  I still have a ways to go for a full recovery, but I'm doing well.

In the meantime, instead of writing, I've been concetrating on something more important.  My hero, Snoopy, says it best:

My hero!